Friday, September 1, 2006

"Garam Masala's" First Birthday

Graham had a fabulous first birthday. Isaac decorated a carrot cake for him with a blue star and Sarita brought over a fruity cake of sorts she'd spent all day making. We put him on the kitchen table with both of them in front of him. Despite Isaac's efforts to take charge of the situation, Graham quickly plunged into both cakes and had them smeared all over himself, the table, and everyone else in no time. He was more interested in playing in it that eating it, though! For his birthday he had a great runny nose and climbed out of his high chair onto the marble floor, falling on his four new top teeth and bleeding all over. We also took him to pick up Dolly and while I was inside her house sampling her South Indian cuisine, Dolly's neighbors made friends with Graham (Rich assures me he didn't let any of them touch our little Garam Masala).

So now we're trying a new model of posting photos that's much faster. Check out lots more photos of Graham's big day(s) here.

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