Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Just This Morning

IMG_6412, originally uploaded by merindarich.

While I was dragging myself and the kids out of the house to ride our bikes to the library, Mom woke up in Utah feeling breathless. After a shower and a trip to the store, Dad measured her pulse at 120. They rushed her to the hospital thinking she was having a heart attack. It's not a heart attack, they say, but four clots in her lungs. Clots that if they'd been in a larger artery could have taken her from this world.

As I was scrolling through my contacts on my cell phone to call Dad again today to see how Mom is doing, I scrolled past Claudia's number. I still can't delete her number after almost seven months. Losing two mothers in one year would just be more than I could handle. Life is too fragile and I live too far away from my mother. And all I can do for now is useless things like blog and do dishes and plan vacations and wait. It's a cold, hard world.


Katie said...

I'm so sorry to hear about her being sick. Your mom is a great person. I'll keep her in my prayers. Keep us posted.


Amy said...

Oh Merinda, I'm praying for her and you. We love you lots! I can come take care of boys if you'd like to go to Utah.


Lewis Family said...

Yes, it's a cold, hard world, and our family and friends are what help us to be soft and warm. Hugs!

Aby Runyan said...

I REALLY thought I commented on this post. I don't even know why I checked, maybe my subliminal mind knew I hadn't!
I've been praying for you and your Mom, I'm so sorry you've had to worry. I'm hoping all is well now!

luvs, aby

Alonso Family said...

I am just now catching up after almost 2 months of a blogging sorry I am just now hearing about this. I am so happy, however, that they were able to figure out what the problem was before it was too late...don't know if you remember that is exactly how my Dad died. We even took him to the hospital the day before and they ran tons of tests on his heart etc...but never thought to check for clots. I really hope she is doing better now. Much love to you and your family. Time is so precious, make the most of every moment!